Cryptomator Hub: Setup Wizard

Generate the necessary configuration templates for your Hub deployment and get your team on board with client-side encryption for your cloud storage.

You can find more documentation at


On what type of infrastructure do you want to deploy Cryptomator Hub?

Namespace for the Kubernetes resources.

Name of the publicly exposed network of Traefik.

This deployment type is only intended for testing purposes on `localhost`. This can be used as-is without any further configuration.

Cryptomator Hub

General information about your Hub installation.

For production deployments, use the stable lane.

The full URL including protocol, port, and path of your Hub installation.

User name of the initial user that will be created.

Password for the initial user. You will be asked to change this on your first login.


Cryptomator Hub depends on Keycloak for identity management.

The full URL including protocol, port, and path of your Keycloak installation.

Internal Keycloak container will be deployed to this URL.

Part of the URL used to login to the correct realm. Therefore it must be an URL-safe string, unique per Keycloak instance.

User name of the admin user that will be created.

Temporary password for the admin user. You should change this on your first login.


Cryptomator Hub depends on PostgreSQL for persisting data.

Superuser password for default `postgres` user.

Password for `hub` user with access to `hub` database.

Password for `keycloak` user with access to `keycloak` database.


Use this configuration template to deploy Cryptomator Hub.

Hint: Hub and Keycloak requires proper TLS termination in production. Only for tests with localhost or this is not necessary. In the setup wizard you can add the config for the reverse proxies Ingress or Traefik. The deployment for the respective proxy is not included. There are some proxy deployment examples in the documentation.

Need some help with your configuration?

This wizard creates a sensible default for common configurations. Feel free to contact us if you want us to tailor the setup to your specific needs.

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