Blog / Cryptomator Hub 1.2.0: More Control and Flexibility

We’re excited to release Cryptomator Hub 1.2.0, featuring essential updates for both administrators and users. 🎉 Let’s dive into what’s new.

🗒 Audit Logs (Premium Feature)

Our new Audit Logs feature, available with a paid license, empowers administrators with insights into user activities. Monitor vault changes, key retrievals, and other essential activities, providing an extra layer of transparency and accountability within your organization.

⚙️ Improved Vault Management

With the “Edit Vault Metadata” action, customizing vault details is now possible. You can now change the name and description of your vaults, helping you keep your vaults organized and easily identifiable. Plus, vault names no longer need to be unique, offering more flexibility.

We’ve also added the “Archive Vault” action, allowing you to remove vaults from your list. Easily reactivate archived vaults whenever needed.

👤 Streamlined User Profile Page

Our new “User Profile” page centralizes device management and user settings in one convenient location. Additionally, we’ve integrated a “Manage Account” link for users to be able to change their password and configure 2FA via Keycloak.

⬆ Upgrade Info

Upgrading to 1.2.0 is simple. If you are on the stable lane, you just have to pull the image and restart the service. Otherwise, update the version number in your Docker Compose or Kubernetes spec file before you restart the service. Remember to always back up your data, especially before upgrading. For managed instances, rest assured, you’re already on the latest version.

⏭ What’s Next

We’re embarking on a significant refactoring journey for our key management system in the next feature update. This update will introduce “user keys” as intermediary key pairs between vault keys and device keys. Vault owners will then grant access to users and not individual devices, which allows users to manage their devices independently.

This refactoring will deprecate vault admin passwords and introduce the vault owner role, providing a more secure and efficient way to manage your vaults.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!